Countdown to Offspring 24


Pal Hansen

Pal Hansen is a Norwegian photographer who has lived and worked in the UK for fifteen years. During that time he has carved out a successful career in the intensely competitive field of editorial photography. His portraits of celebrities and prominent individuals are regularly seen in some of the UK’s most popular publications and he also undertakes commissions for international titles such as Time Magazine, Vogue, Sotheby’s and Vanity Fair. Despite his hectic schedule Pal still manages to generate bodies of personal work which often revolve around social issues.

Pal was selected for the World Press Masterclass in 2004 and his work can often be seen in major photographic competitions’ shortlists. Pal’s work is mainly associated with portraiture and his editorial work shows his mastery of this field. His images are empathetic and creative in their use of lighting and location, and are often vibrant. Pal is a big follower of using humour in his work when appropriate.