Countdown to Offspring 24


Muir Vidler

Muir Vidler is a photographer based in London where he shoots commissioned and personal work.
His pictures have been shown at the National Portrait Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, Rove Gallery, Royal Academy of Arts in London, at Colette in Paris, Mindy Solomon Gallery in Miami and Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. They’ve also been published in the pages of New York Times Magazine, Sunday Times Magazine, Vogue, Time, Vanity Fair, VICE, i.D., Zeit Magazin.

Muir on the Offspring Photo Meet

It’s a real pleasure being part of Photo Meet. It’s a great group of photography experts and a really inspiring event. To be able to meet and get your work before all these people and then to get feedback and advice from them is an amazing opportunity for a photographer. There’s nowhere else you can do that. And it’s really  entertaining and fun.