Countdown to Offspring 24


Eleanor Macnair

Eleanor Macnair lives and works in London. For the past 12 years she has worked in communications for a variety of galleries including Michael Hoppen Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Media Space (Science Museum) and White Cube. She is now freelance for GOST Books, Magnum Photos and Atlas Gallery amongst others and past clients include Phaidon, Grimaldi Gavin and WaterAid. She began the tumblr blog Photographs Rendered in Play-Doh in August 2013 on a whim in response to a photographic pub quiz run by artists MacDonaldStrand. The project was published in book form in October 2014, exhibited at Atlas Gallery, London in autumn 2015 and at Kleinschmidt Fine Photographs, Wiesbaden and Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles in Spring 2016. Eleanor is a judge for the Getty Images Instagram Grant 2016.