Countdown to Offspring 24


Best Portfolio Awards


Photo Meet has teamed up with theprintspace, Photoworks, World Photography Organisation, Loft Studios & FilmPlus to offer some amazing prizes for the Best Portfolio Awards.

The three lucky prize winners will receive a fully-funded, large-scale exhibition at Theprintspace Gallery located in the heart of Shoreditch, London’s creative centre. The exhibition will come complete with VIP private view, expert printing and curatorial consultation to ensure the finished exhibition dazzles on the gallery wall. The selected photographers will also feature across our partners’ online and social media channels making sure that their work reaches the widest audience possible. 


The complete list of  prizes is terrific and will be announced soon!!

At the end of each edition of the Offspring Photo Meet our photo expert will have chosen their best pick and we’ll award a 1st, 2nd and 3rd medal along with prizes kindly offered by our sponsors.

On the evening of Saturday 13th May we’ll announce our winners so stay tuned and watch this space for more info!


Kindly Offered by:

Our Winners:

Offspring ’17 Edition

1st Joel Redman
2nd Jon Tonks
3rd Silvana Trevale

Marry Month of May ’16 Edition

1st Chris Bethell
2nd Matthew Finn
3rd Lewis Khan

Halloween ’15 Edition 

1st Freya Najade
2nd Giulietta Verdon-Roe
3rd Monica Alcazar

Offspring ’15 Edition

1st Tamsin Green
2nd Rahel Krabichler
3rd Dudy Braun


Portfolio Winners March 2016 from Mimi Mollica on Vimeo.